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Healing School

We believe in the healing power of God and God's Word.  Each 4th Sunday, the healing Word of God is taught --helping to build faith for living in divine health and wholeness.
Why Healing School?

While we believe that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience until as a believer we go to Heaven, we understand that the enemy launches attacks against us--spiritually, physically, and mentally while we are in these earthly bodies.  Because of these attacks, it is necessary for every believer to understand the price that Jesus paid for them to be free and whole -- spirit, soul, and body. 

Faith cometh by hearing according to Romans 10:17, and the pastors of LCF believe that continually hearing that God wants everyone to be whole will increase believers' faith to be well so that God's purpose for their lives can be fulfilled.

What We Believe Concerning Healing

We believe that healing is the believer's right.  Jesus went about healing those who were sick and oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38), so we know that if He did it then, His desire is for us to experience it now (Hebrews 13:8).

We believe in miracles, as well as, healing that manifests over time.  This is critical, as we believe that we are already healed (according to 1 Peter 2:24), but that we may deal with symptoms for which we are awaiting their manifested elimination.

My Healing Confession of Faith

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